Sunday, December 2, 2012

Gratitude Day #5 2012

If I’ve said it once…I’ve said it a million times….if you are going to write something down make it count and use a SHARPIE. Today, I am grateful for the one and only Sharpie Permanent Marker. Burke and I recently moved to a new apartment in Dallas and in the process of organizing my life loot I located Sharpies in boxes, basket, tote bags, and every purse I own. I have a jar of 
Sharpies on my desk at work and a second jar of colorful Sharpies on my desk at home. I found two Sharpies in the console of my car this morning. You just never know when you are going to need to write something…and really mean it, right?

If ever you were to wonder…I don’t discriminate…I have an impressive collection of the traditional Sharpie marker in fine point, ultra fine point and extreme fine point. Oh, and I continue to marvel at the technological advances of the Sharpie gel highlighters (seriously made graduate school a bearable) and I’m way beyond basic black or even the standard four pack. I mean a girl just needs more than black, blue, green and red in her life, right? We as a nation, actually we as a civilized people need to be able to write with confidence in turquoise, lime green, magenta and peach. Am I right? Or am I, write? However I do draw (no pun intended) the line with the chiseled tip…every girl has standards, right?

You give a kid, a teen or even an adult a Sharpie and writing or drawing something quickly becomes an adventure and not a chore. Endless creative avenues can be found inside one carefully designed writing tool. When it comes right down to it….If you think you are going to make a statement…or even a shopping list….make it bold….be clear….do it in color….and make it last. Love me the Sharpie.

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