Sunday, December 2, 2012

Gratitude Day #16 2012

I am grateful for the opportunity to work. My ability to work in a field I love, in a capacity that stretches me daily and with people that inspire me to think differently about kids and creativity and learning is a true blessing in my life. This week, I had the chance to attend the National Guild for Community Arts Education conference held right here in Dallas, Texas. This conference is dedicated to bringing like-minded people together for three days of thinking and sharing and celebrating all things children, community and art. I was inspired, challenged and reminded but not surprised that I have found my tribe.

It is not lost on me that my opportunity at Big Thought is a gift and a blessing. When I moved to Dallas almost two years ago, I thought I would teach the third grade. Little did I know then how different and yet how connected my daily contribution to the world of education would become. This job is stretching me to think in new ways, it is opening my eyes and it is nurturing my soul in ways I did not know I needed. What more could a nerd like me ask for than a wide open (sadly mountain free) space to test out a few ideas about how weaving art and literature and education can improve a students ability to be successful.

Fundamentally, I believe in the importance of building communities where both children and adults feel safe, valued and needed. I believe that access to art and education FOR ALL is right and not a luxury. I believe that the only way to improve our world is through dedicated hard work and creativity. This week and several times throughout the last year, I have somehow found myself sitting at the table with national experts on arts integration, educational policy and community building. I keep wondering how I ended up sitting at the big kids table with my intellectual feet dangling off the chair. I’m not exactly sure how its all happened or even how long this education gig is going to last but I do know that for now it’s really working and I could not be happier.

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