Sunday, December 2, 2012

Gratitude Day #23 2011

Nineteen years ago this week my father died. I have lived more of my life without him than my brief sixteen years when he was alive. I have been thinking about him and the events of that week a lot lately. He fixed my car with a Lego once. He sang in the church choir. He loved to cook the Thanksgiving dinner. I often wonder what my Dad would think or say about my grown up life. What advi
ce, commentary, and counsel would he give? He would love my Burke.

I am grateful for good friends who encircled a confused and frustrated sixteen year old girl whose world instantly changed forever. I am grateful for a Ward family and community who provided the love and support we needed in all of the right ways. I am grate for my extended family that carefully guided, directed and loved us through it. I am grateful for my brothers who love me like no one else can. I am grateful for the strength and courage of my Mom- I am grateful for the knowledge I have about the gospel of Jesus Christ and the plan of Salvation. These concepts and principals serve as the bedrock of my faith. I am grateful for the perspective his death and his has brought to my life. Without question I have been born of goodly parents.

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