Wednesday, November 19, 2014

2014 Gratitude Festival Day #17: Maya Angelou

Throughout this year, my reading list has intentionally included several books penned by the ever talented Dr. Maya Angelou and I must admit I wished had read her work sooner. Grateful for the way she weaves words with her varied experiences and how she both commands her life and the English language. Grateful for her personal vision and for the perspective she inspires others to develop. Grateful for her endless honestly, directness, and willingness to admit fault, error and individual blind spots. She wrote about life. She wrote about life and love and family and loss and art and sex and work and freedom. Most of her thoughts were simply and originally hers first and published as an after thought. Her books provide not just an anthology of her life but a record of the journey, and more specifically, the journey women of color often experience. Grateful for her inspiring words and the way they are making me think. Grateful that a pasty white girl from Salt Lake City can so we easily connect.

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