So this one a small Mexican my hotel room...this photo of kittens hung on the wall in a nice gold frame. What on earth do you think these little kitties were listening to that prompted the one to forcefully cover the others ears? It made me laugh then and it makes me laugh now. Cautions and perhaps very sensitive kitten ears are happy thought.
Day #22
Much to my surprise and delight...two YouthCity all stars stopped by to say hello. These man-boys are forever in my heart. Does my heart good to see these once squirmy boys turning into grown up men.
Day #23
I never grow tired of watching the creative process – especially with children. This summer, I am teaching a few art classes at YouthCity and without fail every time we create mask the same thing happens. Once the masks have been made, shaped, sculpted, enhanced and painted we pull out boxes and bins and bags full of random stuff. A colorful array of pipe cleaners, googley eyes, beads, glitter, fabric and ribbon scraps, buttons feathers, etc…we arm the children with glue guns and set them loose. In time, they individually dive into the supplies and the room becomes full of a creative hum of energy. Some kids work on their masks while others are distracted by the delicious possibility of “…what if…” and in time new and interesting items are paired together to make something magical. This may be my favorite part of the whole process and it amazes me every time. Yesterday, this terrific kiddo whom I will refer to as Mr. T, quietly and carefully created these little creatures while the paint on his horse mask dried. It’s not just the end result however cool a pink flamingo made entirely of pom pom’s and pipe clearly is…it’s the undying sense of wonder and accomplishment that was dripping from his sweet face. When he showed me his first creation he timidly asked,”…do you really think I’m an artist?” OH…YES! YES! YES, I think you are a terrific artist! He took a breath and this new sense of confidence washed all over him. He quickly inspired a few other kids and has since not stopped creating. In a matter of a few hours this quiet kid found a new place within his peer group and he’s been holding his head a little higher ever since. THIS…this is what creativity coupled with courage can do. It’s not the little creatures…it’s what they represent. It wasn’t the praise or accolades that he received…it was the sheer enjoyment of creating something out of nothing, even if its only out of bits and scraps…the creative process feeds the hungry soul and its a critical aspect to finding happiness. God bless sparkly pom poms! God bless pipe cleaners! God bless googley eyes! And God bless the endless creativity of children!
Day #26 and Day #27
Days off. Sleeping in well past the alarm. Lazy relaxation. AC. Hamburgers on the grill. Iced beverages. Laughing with siblings. Patio parties. Holladay City firework show enjoyed from the comforts of the end of our driveway. Excited almost five-year-olds. Merica’. Trifle is the perfect level of refreshment. Birthdays. Family reunions. Sisters-in-law Melinda Rich, Bird Bath, Melissa Wirthlin Rich, Natalya Rich) rule! Well stocked salad bars. Pizza. PJ’s. God bless holiday weekends!
Day #28
“Doctor Marvin! Doctor Leo J. Marvin!”
“I’m sailing!”
“Good morning, Gil. I said, good morning, Gil.”
“You think he’s gone? He’s not gone. That’s the whole point! He’s never gone!
“Baby steps to four o’clock. Baby step to four o’clock.”
“What if I’m looking for a bathroom, I can’t find one, and my bladder explodes?”
“Oh, Fay, this is so scrumptious. Is this hand-shucked?”
“Death therapy…”
What about Bob? is one of THE best films ever made! Richard Dreyfuss, Bill Murray, hilarious writing AND Lake Winnipesaukee? What more could a girl ask for?
Day #30 Being Aunt Liz is not a bad gig at all...even when it's 100 degrees outside. Love these sweaty faced kiddos!