Last year, at this time our life was very different. Burke had just lost the job that inspired a move to Texas. My job was nothing short of maddening. We were living in a strange place surrounded by frustration and disappointment desperately missing our Salt Lake City lives….the family and friends that comfortably reside in the foothill of the Wasatch Front and all that had lovingly shaped us into the people we had become. Thanks to the generosity of the Rich family we had a chance to spend Thanksgiving at Jacob Lake surrounded by those we love the most. A trip home at a critical time in our life helped us reboot, remember, re-energize, and re-engage with our newly established life in Dallas. I will forever be grateful for the generosity and kindness of those who enabled a much-needed trip home at a critical time of our life. I’ve said it before and I know I will say it again…. I love being a Rich. Marrying Burke Rich was the best decision of my life. Not only did I get a terrific guy, I was gifted a terrific family. Thank you again for accepting me and love us. Thank you for last year and for this year and for all of the years to come. I love being a Rich.
This year, I am so happy to report that after a 365-day orbit around the sun all things in life have significantly improved. Thanks to the kindness of a dear friend Burke has an incredible job that he loves! Work for me not only turned a major corner…but the professional opportunities I have been gifted with have blown my mind. We not only feel more comfortable living in Dallas we have carved out a home, a community, a wonderful group of friends and a collection of surrogate parents, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. Today, Burke and I prepared a Thanksgiving feast in our new kitchen for my Mom, brother and all of our dearest Dallas friends. The food was so delicious. The conversation was rich and full of laughter. The feeling was…home….our home…we served turkey and all the fixin’ prepared in our kitchen, served on our dishes, at our table to those who have helped our hearts heal and grow and expand in a once foreign place called Dallas, Texas.
As much as I love being a Rich…I equally love being a Robinson. Burke and I spent the last few days unpacking the last few boxes and hanging photos and art in our new place. Cherished memories from my grand parents remind me who I really am and that I’m loved. Photos of my brothers sit on my shelves reminding me of the strength and power and depth found in four of the best men I know. Black and white images from my parents wedding remind me that family ties reach far past the bounds of this life. This week marks twenty years since my father died. Twenty years. I am humbled and reminded and inspired and encouraged and determined and driven and better because of my parents. I am blessed by their example and strength. I’m lucky enough to have my Mom spend a few days with me in Dallas this week and I could not be more grateful for all she has brought into my life.
Today, I am grateful that life offers up both the messy and the divine. I am grateful that I know who I am…and most days, I really like her. I’m grateful for second…and third…and fourth chances to get it right, ask for forgiveness, re-think the plan and try again. I am grateful for the honesty and kindness of friends both new and old. I am grateful for Birdbath. And music. And Dr. Pepper And Nissan Altimas. And crayons. And Clorox. I am grateful for strong women and faithful men who get out of bed each day and fight the good fight….and on…and on….and on….I could and maybe I will continue to record my daily grateful thoughts but I think I find a different forum. In short (ha ha ha), I’m just really grateful for the chance to be me…it’s a pretty good gig and I’m grateful you are part of it.